When people take their seats at a theatre, they may simply be looking for a night off. It’s on us as artists to realize we can provide so much more. With each story told, we offer perspectives that are meaningful and essential. Raised in the Atlanta and Kansas City theatre communities and a graduate of Butler University’s theatre department, I developed a deep love for social justice theatre and now seek to apply it to everything I do. There is no excuse: from the most heart-wrenching dramas to the most upbeat comedies, I know that theatre has the power to build a better future every time the stage lights come up. As an actress, I heavily value applying critical empathy to my work, knowing that the humanity behind theatre supplies it with the power I aim to articulate.
As much as I hope to impact the world around me, I have learned this relationship is not a one-way transaction. It is equally important to me to discover new perspectives and approaches for myself as an artist. My theatrical experiences have brought out the best in me, calling me to many roles, from creator to collaborator to leader. I believe in the power of theatre as a life changer, and as I move forward, I am continuing to seek more ways to become the best person and performer that I can be.

Current MFA Stage & Screen Acting student at Edinburgh Napier University.
BA of Theatre from Butler University, with degree emphases in Acting and Musical Theatre.
Graduate of Advanced Acting Summer Intensive at Moscow Art Theatre School through IFTER.
Commedia Dell'arte training with Marco Luly.
Suzuki Movement and Viewpoints training seminars with SITI Company, Anne Bogart, and Leon Ingulsrud.
Classics Adaptation training with Madeline Sayet.